DYMO - RHINO XTL 500 Label Maker, Incl 1 " x 1 9/16" Laminated Wire / Cable Wrap

Part Number #: 1868815 CTI #: 784-1868815

DYMO RHINO 500 XTL Label Makers

  • Life-like on screen print preview and color display shows exactly how labels will look when applied to cables, pipes, panels, and more
  • Built-in label applications make getting started from the home screen easy
  • Touchscreen helps make label creation easier and faster
  • Pre-loaded templates ensure perfect formatting to save time
  • Prints 1/4 in to 2 in durable labels including continuous length tape, laminated wire/cable wraps, heat-shrink tubes and pre-sized labels
  • Easily transfer labels to and from DYMO ID software and the PC-connected (works with Windows 7 and later) XTL 500 for jobsite editing and printing

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